
Best of 2012 – Yearly favorites

Hello my beautiful ladies ♥
This is an English post. If you want it in Greek, or you prefer Greek instead (in general) please let me know. I just haven’t decided what to do yet.So, depends on the mood.
This post is not exactly as the 12 of 2012 tag, its more like the yearly favorites mixed with ”best of”.
(And yes, the products are placed in my PAOK blanket)
Foundation : It was a very tough decision between  Revlon Colorstay and Dermablend from Vichy. I love them both. I’ll choose dermablend though, because I hate the package of Revlon. It makes a mess every time. Plus, just a tiny bit from Vichy, its enough and make wonders 🙂
Primer (eye primer, coz I m still searching for a good , face primer ): Jordana.It’s not that I don’t like ELF, I really do, but I prefer the Jordana because it covers the flaws in the eyelid, and its not watery, quite thick actually (too thick for some, maybe)
Lipstick: MAC’s Fast Play.. Its a fresh love ♥. But its a lovely MLBB color, with great staying power. What more to ask?
Eyeshadows : Naked 2 ! I still had a hard time choosing between this and Oh-so-special, but I m a little more obsessed with Naked 2 lately, so…
Mascara : After learning that Stilleto (maybelline) is discontinued, I can’t find a mascara that ”I love”.  No ”awards” for Mascara, I guess. Magnifibres is something I am obsessed with, but its not exactly a mascara.
Blush: Is it possible to NOT pick Sleek? Sunrise is my absolute love. I used it a lot in the summer, plus as a bronzer the rest of the year. Amazing quality, I m gonna purchase some more Sleek 🙂
Also, Seventeen’s highlighter, which I recently won in the lottery of Stoxos event (with BBloggers, I am gonna write about it soon), is honorary mentioned, though I only use it for a month, but I use it everyday.
Powder : Elf’s mineral booster. I have said it before, I don’t what is about, but its amazing. I use it instead of face poder
Eyeliner : Essence! Best tip, great staying power, cheap price 🙂
Eyebrows: Always , ELF’s brow kit. I just can’t live without it
Lip liner : Lovie, in the natural tone. Cheap, good and perfect lip color.
Lip balm: Reve De Miel, by Nuxe. My new love. Lovely smell, not greasy, and works. I will review soon.
Body: The Body Shop Ginger(-something) ! I just can’t get enough of how amazing it smells. I love it ! I always love the vibrant smell of Body Shop’s body creams , and I own many of them already (Strawberry, Lemon, Peach, Coconut,etc). but this is amazing. Sadly, its only available in Xmas, so I spend it very carefully!
Nails: I won’t chose a nail polish, even though there are many I love. But I couldn’t do anything without Tommy G, Keratin base. I have tried any type of bases, multivitamin polishes, strengtheners, but NOTHING works out like Keratin. If you have soft nails, try applying every 2 days , and in about 3 weeks, you ll see the magic. I have to shorten my nails every now and then, while in the past, they did shorten  themselves by breaking .
Hair: Vatika Coconut oil. Nuff said.
Hands: Bioten intensive cream with Honey and Macademia oil. Not only it moisturizes without getting greasy, but also it smells fantastic, and costs a little more than 2.5€ !!!Nothing to be jealous from expensive ones, and defenately better than the infamous Cera Di cupra.
What’s your favorites for 2012?  Do you like anything from the products I listed?
2013 is near, so I m taking the chance to wish all of you to have a wonderful new Year. Things are hard in my country these moments, so let’s cross our fingers and hope everything goes smooth for all of us, and you 🙂 Enjoy ♥
– Don’t forget to vote me for best Beauty Blog here
I would highly appriciate if you do ♥


Haul-άκι Δεκεμβρίου

Γειά σας beauties!
Να μαι πάλι με ένα ποστ για τα πρόσφατα μου haul, ή αλλιώς ένα collective haul!
Kάποια hondo-πραγματάκια , lovie (σύνταγμα), απο ευρωμάγαζα, και απο το beautyjoint, την blackfriday, που είχε -20%
Απο το beautyjoint πήρα το τα 4 απο τα 5 πάνω αριστερά (εκτός την essence σκιά) και το κραγιόν της Nyx. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, Jordana blush – coral sandy beach, Jordana brow shadow – brunnete, Wet n Wild – Brule , Jordana eyeshadow over the taupe και Nyx – Black cherry!
Τα μεταφορικά είναι πάντα ένα θέμα στο Beautyjoint, γιαυτό είμαι προσεκτική στο τι θα πάρω, και πόσο θα μου βγεί. Αυτή τη φορά ήταν 5-6 δολλάρια, αλλα δεν πήρα και πολλά πράγματα..
Απο τα Hondos πήρα την κρέμα της bioten, το μανό της essense (out of the forest), την σκιά της essence – for fairies, το eyeliner της essence 100% splash proof λέει (δεν ξέρω τον τίτλο του), και το μολύβι της erre due lasting contour eye #2.
Απο ευρωμάγαζα  και  lovie πήρα το μακρόστενο κραγιόν #21, και το κοντόχοντρο #20, καθώς και 2 μολύβια της glamourous, περισσότερο γιατί ήθελα να δοκιμάσω αν μου πάνε τα συγκεκριμένα χρώματα ! Το #8 και το #41, Οπως και ένα μανό. Νομίζω είναι το #33.
Jordana brow – brunette / Wet and Wild – Brule / Jordana blush , Coral Sandy beach
Λένε οτι το Brule της WnW είναι dupe του Brulee της Mac
Essence – for fairies / Jordana – over the taupe / Essence eyeliner.
Πάλι, λέγεται οτι το over the taupe είναι dupe απο το Satin Taupe της Mac
Ενα mini swatch σε κάποια απο αυτά:
Black cherry->Lovie (20)->(21) -> Erre Due ->glam (21)->(8) ->Essence -> Coral Sandy beach 
Τέλος, έτσι γιατί μαρέσαν και ας μην έχουν σχέση με τα καλλυντικά, κάτι γοβες που πήρα πάμφθηνες απο τα Blanco 
Αυτά! Τέλος οι αγορές για φέτος (ελπίζω!)
Εχετε κάποιο απο αυτά? Τι σας άρεσε? 

ΥΓ: Με δεξί κλίκ και προβολή εικόνας , τις βλέπετε όλες στο κανονικό τους μέγεθος!